Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Ladies' Night!

Last Friday, a few of my girlfriends and I celebrated friendship and my studio space... and in honor of Valentine's Day... we put ourselves in front of the camera rather than behind it taking photos of our kids! It was fun... and of course, I couldn't make a serious face to save my life!

This was so much fun for us that I'd love to offer it as part of my studio offerings... so if you know anyone who might want to gather up 5 girlfriends and have a fun evening... let me know :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I accidentally deleted my widgets! Oops... I'll fix them soon :)

Happy Chinese New Year!

Hannah and her 2nd grade class celebrated the Chinese New Year with a singing performance yesterday. It was supposed to be last week, but the snow day delayed it until this week. She was so excited about it and practiced her songs all the time at home. She thinks she will be on American Idol someday :) I didn't get many pictures of her with her Mandarin outfit and chopsticks in her hair... because I had the little guy... I was lucky to get the couple I did, shoot the flip video, and keep him beside me. I kept expecting to see him run out in front of my camera towards the kids. Now that would have been a funny moment! Enjoy :)