Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Gifts!

Santa (and santa's helpers) was good to our family this year. The girls got Barbie mp3 players, webkinz, clothes from their favorite store (Justice), a telescope, and.....

....a Wii with lots of fun games! Our whole family spent way too much time bowling, playing tennis, dancing to dance dance revolution, and singing high school musical! It was a lot of fun!

Jacob had the most fun with the paper, ribbons, and bows!
One of the best presents was that Nana and Aunt Brittany spent Christmas with us. We were so happy to have them here to share it with us and sad to see them go on the 26th.
We hope everyone had a terrific Christmas and has a wonderful New Year!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Every year, as Thanksgiving dinner settles and everyones focus moves to Christmas, I find myself secretly dreading many things about "the season". Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas as much as a kid.... but now that I'm adult, I have many of the less fun responsibilites... like cleaning up after decorating, stressing over how I'm going to get that perfect, hard-to-find gift, and dealing with stupid people in mall or store parking lots!!! But I digress, we started our decorating frenzy last weekend. I am a believer in artificial LIGHTED Christmas trees--easy peasy and looks nice, too. Marc, however, is not. I choose to pick my battles, and this is one that I really don't think I could win. The unfair part, though, is that even though I'd prefer the other route-- I get stuck putting the lights on the tree. I understand why, if anyone else did it, I would not be happy. And if mom's not happy.... I'm picky, I like my lights wound in and out of the branches to add depth-- with as much cord hidden as possible. Nope, no wrapping the tree with lights like a rolled up rug-- big pet peeve! So off we went to cut down our tree at a local tree farm. We got there, browsed the varieties of trees, and decided that we needed the Fraiser Fir. Go figure, this is the one tree that was hauled in from North Carolina around Thanksgiving already cut. I thought about it for a split second, looked at the mud and thick fog in the air, and told the men to head to the barn where the pre-cut trees were. I think they were secretly relieved. It had rained that morning and after looking at my once white van as we got out, I was already dreading the "search for the perfect tree". Once in the barn, there were dozens of trees lined up all around. We easily decided on the height we needed which narrowed the selection down. One of the workers held one up, I looked at it for about 5 seconds and said, "I like it, sold, wrap it up". He looked at Marc in amazement and said, "That never happens". We look around to see families that looked as if they'd been in the barn for half an hour-- one lady was holding a glass of wine-- she knew it would take a while! Needless to say, I got overruled by Hannah-- she liked an equally nice tree right next to the one I picked. So we took an extra minute, and got the second tree we saw. The lady with the glass of wine, pounced on our reject :) It was a fun trip... every family needs a little tradition, right?

Happy Birthday Big Girl!

Hannah turned 7! Her birthday was on a Thursday, so we let her pick our dinner destination...and guess what she picked... Chuck E. Cheese's. Needless to say, she didn't do a lot of eating there. Our neighbors went with us and the kids had a blast! Her birthday celebration resumed on Saturday with friends, family, and classmates at Pump It Up! I know the kids enjoyed bouncing and playing! Rumor has it that Aunt Brit, Mommy, and Daddy had just as much fun as the kids... recovery time was much greater, though :)

This picture was taken earlier in the day as she played dress up-- notice the obviously "painted" lips.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Be a Goodmama

I promise to post some Happy 7th Birthday Hannah pictures soon...but for today, I had to brag a little about another photo contest. When I heard the announcement for this one, I tried to think of something creative to do... but with Thanksgiving approaching and my photography Chrstimas crunch setting in, my brain was dead. So the girls and I stood on all sides of the bed and watched Jacob crawl from one side to the other. I was lucky enough to capture one cute shot-- but low and behold, my white balance was off (this makes the picture have a funny yellow cast to it). I fixed it the best I could in photoshop and shipped it off to Suzanne at Goodmama. I came back from vacation to find that-- we won the contest! Yay! So we get a new diaper, how fun! Here's the picture and below is the link to the website and blog for the company that ran the contest.

Goodmama Blog

Goodmama Website