Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of School and a surprise from Jacob...

Well, today was the first day of school and it definitely had its ups and downs.

The Ups

Hannah was so excited about 1st grade she could hardly sleep last night. She even made a checklist of the things she needed to do when she got up this morning. It read:

  1. Get dressed

  2. Brush teeth and hair

  3. Eat breakfast

  4. Kiss family goodbye

  5. Get on the bus
So needless to say the biggest challenge about getting her off to school will be the getting up at 6:30! She's alreadly pretty fond of her teacher and even though she only knows a couple kids in her class-- we know she's going to love it! We hear that they will have homework every night-- she's going to be a tired kid!

The downs

So next came time to get Ashley on the bus. She acted excited and not really nervous. She watched TV and kept asking when it was time for the bus. So I took her outside a few minutes early to take a few pictures beforehand. That's when I should've seen it coming-- looking back at the pictures it was written all over her face. She was NOT looking forward to getting on the bus. The bus pulled up and I saw the look of fear in her eyes. I was crying inside for her-- but I couldn't let her see that. I walked her around to the steps and she clutched my arm even tighter. I told her that I couldn't come to school on the bus with her and that's when the tears started (hers, that is). I walked her up the steps and started to sit her down next to a little boy named Nicholas-- I could see she didn't like that. So I saw a little girl sitting alone and sat her down next to her. They all wear name tags so I introduced Ashley to the little girl and told her that I had to go. I kissed her and got off the bus-- I know she was crying, but I didn't want to look back at her. For a split second I thought about taking her off the bus and driving her to school, but that would only prolong the inevitable. Luckily our house is the last stop before the school-- so hopefully as soon as she got to the familiar classroom, she settled down. I guess I'll see this afternoon. I'll update the post then!

Jacob's Surprise

And I'm pleased to report that the little man is sleeping in his crib at night and for naps. He slept all night in his crib last night and has taken two naps in the crib today! This is a MAJOR accomplishment. For those who don't know why... he slept in his carseat until he was five months old (with his reflux this is the only place he felt comfortable). Only in the last month has he started sleeping at night in the bed-- but it was our bed. We knew the day would come to get him into his crib and reclaim our bed-- I've had way too many kinks in my neck over the last month and some pretty funky bed head :) Anyway-- he's graduated! Yay! Oh, check out Jacob's arm "muscles" in the picture. How many do you count? That's only cute on a baby!

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