On Monday and Tuesday, I met myself coming and going! Let's summarize the schedule:
7:35 get Hannah on the bus for school
10:00 Optometrist appointment for me
11:35 get Ashley on the bus
1:00 Jacob's 6 month checkup
2:45 Get kids off the bus
6:00 Feed kids
7:00 Homework
7:30 Bath
8:30 Bedtime
8:10 Annual well-woman appointment for me (which was rescheduled to 9:00 because the doctor was running late)
11:35 - get Ashley on the bus for school
12:30 meet Marc at the tile place to select tile for the kitchen
2:45 get kids off the bus
5:00 highlights and haircut (I had 2 inch long roots, yuck!)
7:35 home 5 minutes and Jacob threw up all over his bed, me, and the bathroom floor (yummy!)
8:00 finally have time to sit down and help Hannah with her homework
Well by the end of all this-- my Wednesday in the office is seeming like vacation :) A couple notes.
Jacob's 6 month stats:
weight 21 pounds 2 ounces (off the chart)
height 29 1/2 inches (off the chart)
head circ. - can't remember (off the chart)
He got 3 vaccinations and a flu shot-- poor baby! We also learned that he can go off of his Zantac after this week. He has had a rash on his bum for a month or longer-- not a painful looking rash-- more of a contact dermititis rash-- looks a lot like Ashley's eczema spots. We've tried changing diaper brands, using sensitive wipes, using only water to clean his bottom. I don't know what it is that he's allergic to, but I'm determined to find out. I finally decided yesterday to purchase some cloth diapers to try. Have you seen cloth diapers these days? They certainly aren't the same as when I was a kid, that's for sure. First of all, I had to call the store to get an education on terminology, what to buy, how to clean, etc. The lady at Jillian's Drawers was just the most helpful lady ever! The diapers have fun names like Happy Heineys, BumGenius, and Fuzzi Bunz and they look super cute with all the color choices. Now when Jacob makes his first stinky and I have to do more than wipe his hiney and throw it away-- I may change my tune :) At first, I'm planning to only use them at night to see if they work for us or not... then I'll evaluate next steps. I'll keep you posted!
Update on Ashley and school
First of all, so many people wrote to tell me that they felt so sorry for Miss Ashley after reading my post last week. I'm happy to report that after the first day, we had no more tears! In fact- she loves school and loves her teacher. Unlike Hannah, she's very excited to share everything about her day-- which makes me smile. I can already tell an improvement in her handwriting. I can't tell you how happy I am that she likes school - I was worried about it a little!
Update on Marc and my diet
Marc has lost 12 pounds-- as of this morning, he weighed in at 180. He's a champ at sticking to it and encouraging me to exercise. I, on the other hand am a big fat cheater! I have lost 6 pounds-- I'm down to 133. However, I cheat every day! I'm a picky eater and those nutrisystem meals just don't do it for me. And how many salads and fruit can one person eat? I'm doing well about controlling the sweets and carbs, though-- so I think that's my saving grace :) We're planning to drop nutrisytem after this month and just incorporate the healthy habits into our regular meals. With a little planning, I know we can do it!
Elevate your ordinary
4 years ago
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