Last Saturday, Marc took the girls to Kings Dominion. I was supposed to go, too... but I was still recovering from my chest cold. I sent the camera along hoping that I'd get to see a little of what they did. Like a good daddy, he took some pictures throughout the day. Hannah rode the Rebel Yell coaster and loved it! They drove cars, went to a magic show, played games... and won some "little" stuffed animals. Did I say little-- check it out below... and she did it all by herself! Marc said she carried it from the park to the car and since getting it home, she has slept with it in her bed every night! Nana and Papa Buddy came for a visit and were waiting when they got home, so they spent the rest of the evening and the next day catching up with them. They even went to the Pumpkin Patch on Sunday! Talk about a weekend of entertainment... no wonder this weekend has dimmed in comparison! A few pictures and I promise I'll update more later since I'm feeling better!
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