Friday, November 9, 2007

Morning Sunrise Surprise!

So this morning at 6:30 I heard happy shouts from Jacob's room. He usually doesn't cry in the morning, but shouts LOUDLY so that we know he's awake. Even without the monitor we could easily hear him throughout the house! So I pull my lazy butt out of bed. Normally I would already be dressed and showered by this point, but I'm working at home today-- no traffic, no commute, no need to get up early! Anyway, back to my story-- I sleepily walk into Jacob's room expecting to see this:

But what did I see?

What? When did he learn to do that? Papa just put the crib down from its newborn height two weeks ago (long overdue). He had some little red marks on his forehead-- probably from trying to do this before I discovered his standing position. No worries, they aren't bruises-- but based on what we've seen from him so far--I'm sure we'll have many of those to come.

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