I'm doing this in reverse order-- but it doesn't really matter. For Hannah's birthday this year, she decided to forego the crazy whole class celebration at Chuck E. Cheese, Pump It Up, or one of the Little Gyms for a sleepover. This was hard to plan (kids today have busy schedules)... but we made it work. I allowed her to invite 2 of her friends-- I figured that including Ashley, that would make 4 girls and if I've learned anything about girls through growing up and raising my own, it is that an even number of them is the best way to go. That way, nobody gets left out. So our agenda was to get nails done after school, eat pizza, and then head to the movies to see The Tale of Desperaux. Keeping them busy up until bedtime was my goal-- and it worked! They were so tired by the end of the night that they zonked out to old school American Gladiators! BTW - Check out Ashley's combination of a girly little make-up case, freshly painted nails, and her New York Rangers Hockey jersey! Isn't that a hoot? It actually was jersey day for their school, but I did ask her if she wanted to change!
For Hannah's actual birthday, we were at my Mom's house in Tennessee. We had cake and she opened her most favorite present of all time-- a Ninetendo DS! Who knew there could be such peace in a chaotic house?
And we made another stop on Thanksgiving to my Grandparent's house in Kentucky! Busy trip! Here are the kids with Papa Eddie, Paw Phil, and Granny Lucy! My dad was able to get off work early to surprise us-- we didn't think we'd get to see him since the day after Thanksgiving is the busiest day of the year for Wal-Mart!
And one more of the kids with Papa Eddie and Nonna!
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