Friday, August 24, 2007

Happy Friday!

So today I feel like complete crap! I'm tired (Mr. Jacob isn't sleeping all that great) and Aunt Flo has returned after over a year. To be honest, she wasn't missed at all! I quite dread her company and since its been so long since we last visited, she's really pulling out all the stops this time. But I'll be looking forward to her monthly visits from here on out, I suppose. I'm hoping next time she'll pack lightly and only stay for a few days! Ok, I'm cracking myself up-- on to the point of my post. Guess what, no pictures today! I have two things:

  1. Marc and I have started the Nutrisystem weight loss program. We both have about 20 extra pounds that we need to shed. Yes, folks-- I weigh more now than when I put on the freshman 15. As a matter of fact if you combine Jacob's current weight and the 20 pounds that I haven't lost-- that's what I gained during the entire pregnancy-- 42 pounds. So... since it has been 6 months, I've stopped nursing, and I'm still +20... I decided it was time to take a bit more action. The heat and our crazy schedules put a quick halt to our jogging routine-- but we are determined to pick it back up. So a HUGE box came yesterday for Marc with all of his pre-packaged food (that by the way looks much better in the picture). He packed up some for work this morning and so far has reported that a) the blueberry muffin he had for breakfast smelled like those dog food crumbly pattie kibble things that we used to feed our dog--YUMMY, can't wait for that and b) he's about to burst from drinking so much water. On a brighter note, he wasn't able to eat all of what he was supposed to eat for breakfast... so at least he isn't going hungry. My food will come in the next couple days, so I'll be sure to keep you posted on my progress :)
  2. Yesterday, I got a mini Boden catalog and found some of the cutest little things for Jacob... the girls are picky and they've moved on to a new store :) Anyway, Marc looked at a page that I had doggy-eared and said, "Wow, that's a little expensive for a pair of pants... for Jacob". It is-- $32-- but they looked so cute! So as I was folding clothes last night, I noticed how utterly gross and stained Jacob's clothes are. Even after both girls wore clothes when they were babies, they still looked immaculate-- no stains. Well I guess its one of the many differences we're seeing between girls and boys. As I thought about a pair of $30 pants getting puked and pooped on, I decided that Target and Old Navy was a much better option. So today during lunch, I went next door to eat at Pei Wei (PF Chang's Asian Diner-- love it) and stopped at Kohl's on the way. I saw some cute baby blue and brown clothes (LOVE that combination for boys), but they were up to 9 months. Mr. Meaty is wearing 12 month clothes now-- so I'm buying 18 months for fall. So I went on back into the infant department (rather than newborn) and found the cutest table of little boys clothes. They were by Sonoma (Kohl's brand) and were so stylish and soft. They actually looked like some of the things that mini Boden sells. I am pleased to report that I bought 8 tops and 4 pants for less than it would have cost for 1 outfit from the catalog. At $5 a pop, you can't go wrong! I had a blast mixing and matching-- who said shopping for boys was no fun?

Have a great weekend!

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